Olga Strasburger, a Ukrainian newcomer who fled the war 18 months ago.
This day should never have happened. But today, for the third time, we remember that day of February 24, 2022, which has already become history. Each person remembers it in their way. With their own stories and horrors of the first day of the war, with their own experiences and some even with photographs and videos. It would seem that all the words have already been said, all the experts, historians, and philosophers have spoken out many times. All the culprits have been identified, the reasons have been named, and measures have been proposed.

But the war continues, and people continue to die.
Every day.
And even the fact that Ukrainians have long understood that no territories, regions and lands are more important than people has still not led to an end to the war. And what is happening now, when our struggle is being undermined, and the definitions of victim and aggressor are being flipped by the new American President? This is definitely beyond anything we could have imagined at the beginning of the invasion.
We are proud to live in Canada now and feel the support of the Canadian people and the Canadian government. We are grateful to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who is in Kyiv today, supporting our people with words and deeds.
We are grateful to the members of the federal and provincial parliament who yesterday, as one, came out to the rally and said strong words for Ukrainians and about Ukraine. We appreciate MP Mike Morris, MP Tim Louis, MP Bardish Chagger, MP Valerie Bradford, MP Bryan May, MPP Ashlyn Clancy, MPP Katherine Fife, and the Mayor of Kitchener, Berry Vrbanovic. Your support is invaluable!
Thanks to you, dear Canadian supporters, we still stand for each other. That means we, Ukrainians, must continue to work, fight, support ourselves and others, live our only life, and hold on to the truth. After all, the truth is always one. And remember that the darkest night is before the dawn.
Now is the time to act. The unwavering support of the Canadian community fuels the resilience of the Ukrainian people. Volunteer, donate, spread the word, and stand together! We are all fighting for the future freedom of the world!