What does it mean
to be a host
We are always looking for people in the Waterloo Region willing to open up their homes to Ukrainians fleeing the war. Complete our information request form to speak with a volunteer.
To be a host
Hosts are people with space in their homes and a willingness to open their doors. Some hosts have a sofa bed and can offer emergency hosting only, others have a spare room (and sometimes two) and are able to host for longer periods. Some can cook meals and help with paperwork. All that we expect is a bed, access to the kitchen and bathroom, and a welcoming smile.
if you have questions about hosting or would like to start hosting
To be a host
Host subsidy for registered hosts is not available now
Host Subsidy Application
Крок 1.
Для новоприбулих українців
Step 1.
For Ukrainian newcomers
Якщо ви прибули з України по програмі CUAET та терміново потребуєте житло на певних умовах (термін, вартість та інші умови проживання),
зробіть Крок 1 - заповніть нашу форму реєстрації (Форма прийому для українських сімей). Тільки після заповнення форми ми з вами звяжемося щодо пошуку необхідного житла.
If you have arrived from Ukraine under the CUAET program and urgently need accommodation under specific conditions (duration, cost, and other living conditions), take Step 1 - fill out our registration form (Intake Form for Ukrainian Families). Only after completing the form, we will contact you regarding the search for the necessary accommodation.

Steps to Become A Host
Complete Our Application
Once you complete the application expressing your interest in learning more
you will be connected with a volunteer who will gather more details about yourself and your home. This way we can map out your personal situation, your preferences, and your expectations.
This is the perfect time to ask questions. You can still choose to put your application on hold to talk with others.
Information Added to Our Database
Once you decide to move forward with being a host we create a profile within our system. Our volunteers will then be able to review your information. If they find a connection between you and a Ukrainian family this volunteer will reach out to you to tell you about the family in need. You can then make the choice about next steps.
Connecting Families
If you feel that you would like to connect with this family we will provide you with their contact information. If you need assistance reaching out we can help with this. If you both decide to move forward we will help offer advice on the next steps. Volunteers are available to offer support to you and the Ukrainian family.
Hosts will be invited to our peer to peer support group and a volunteer will be in touch regularly.
There is also hundreds of volunteers that you can access if you need additional assitance.
Ukrainian families have completed our application seeking help
Over volunteers applications
Individuals received help with housing
What is expected of a host?
The host is expected to provide a safe and clean environment.
The host is expected to provide access to a kitchen and bathrooms as well as locations where food can be stored.
The host is not expected to buy the airplane ticket, taxi, or send money overseas.
When your guest arrives provide them with an “Important Contacts” page that includes your phone number, address as well as any other important names/contacts that they should know.
Be ready to listen. Ask what can be helpful. Try offering options (e.g. would you like to eat together or cook your own meals; or would you like available items there, or to go shopping e.t.c)
If you have public transit nearby, consider if you want to get some transit tickets
Offer to review the resources document together

WRGR Meetings
Other Media
Russian-Canadian Katya Sundukova has hosted 15 families from Ukraine in her Ontario home over the past year. We hear how and why she’s helped so many families settle into Canada.
Open Homes Training
- Partnered organization
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