How to rent
How to find a rental
We can help connect you with Ukrainians who are able to afford a rental unit but can't find a landlord willing to rent to them. Most of the people helping will be people who were previously with one of our network of hosts or at one of our Guest Houses. Sometimes people will ask for help that are new to our group.
Once you complete one of the applications below a volunteer will contact you. We will then introduce you to someone who is in need or we will list your space on our private Facebook page so that all of the people in need can see it.
Rent a room, appartment or a house
We are looking for landlords or people able to rent space that understand Ukrainians families will not be able to show a credit history, will most likely not have employment right away, and may not speak English.
Rent a Room + Offer Your Support
We are looking for people able to rent space in their homes and offer additional support to Ukrainians families. This is similar to the volunteers opening their homes for free. You will also be recognized as a volunteer and will receive additional community support.
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